I can't believe it is only 1 month ago, that Harry Potter 7 finally came out. I felt like the book has been out forever, and I already finished the book twice.
Although English is not my 1st language, but since I've been here for about 7 years...it is not too hard for me to read the entire book (just take longer time then others). I really have to give HP credits, because of Harry Potter series, I start reading "big novel" in English. Before that, I only want to read books 350 pages or less.
To tell the truth, I still don't like how the story end (I want MORE~~~it seems there are tones of story left untold). As for the book review, just leave it to professionals...especially everybody has different preference how the story end. (I am really glad that Ron and Hermione end up together. I sense it since the 2nd book, and it gets more and more obvious). As for the 19 years later, I think I have to wait the Harry Potter Encyclopedia to figure out what is going on in that lost 19 years...(of course, Rowling will earn more money from there).
I am not too worry about feeling lost or can't find book to read after the end of HP though...Because I love to read, there are so many other wonderful fantasy novel and awesome detective novel out there (and according to the news, Rowling's next book is about detective novel as well...can't wait!!)
Oh..forgot to mention...as a HP fan, of course I went to the midnight book release party..the following is the clip I took with my digital camera. (Suppose to go to New York city, but too lazy, and end up in local B&R)