I am back..back from a long driving (total is about 1580 miles) road trip in Texas.
In the end of 2007, my laptop's hard drive dead...and I don't know why forgot to back up all of my photos taken in 2007..so..I lost all of my 2007 photos..pretty sad, but I overcome it! Because I still have those memories in my mind..that will never lost!
This is my 1st time to TEXAS...and I felt betrayed by the weather. YES!! TEXAS is not warm at all when I was there..it is cold (well, not as cold as north east..but 32F is cold!!). Funny thing is when I visited one of the four missions in San Antonio, I chat with a national park ranger and he told me that is not my fault. There were several Canadian tourist group visiting San Antonio...they brought the cold weather down to Texas. (Ha! that remind me the song in South Park-Blame Canada!)
Over all, besides cloudy and cold, there is only one rainy day...just kind of said that I can't took photos for typical Texas sunny sky. I do like to go back visit some day~