June 03, 2005

Chinese food coma

Well, my boss usually order Chinese food on Friday. And we usually order form one restaurant not far from where I live. I don't know why, since last month, after eating their food, I feel so tired and fall to sleep easily.

Today, I didn't really order the lunch special, so I didn't fell it. But all of the co-workers felt the same way=> too salty and tired. Especially one of my co-worker is in "Chinese Food Coma", which means he want to sleep and can't really work on project. But I think that is just his excuse. The funny thing is my boss want me to ask the restaurant, co'z we all speak Chinese. Problem is they all ordered the food w. brown sauce. I guess they must put something in that sauce to make people feel tired and sleepy. Maybe the MSG, although they said "NO MSG" on the menu.

ps. I will try to keep up this diary, but you have to let me know you are reading it....that will keep my motivation! THANK YOU ^_^ who ever you are.


Anonymous said...

i am reading it...

Anonymous said...

it's important to have the motivation!
(from pepper's blog)