April 02, 2005

Congratulation! Fighting Illini

Congratulation...Fighting Illini (another orange team ^_^) goes into NCAA Man's basketball Championship game!! It is a great game last week (vs. Arizona) and tonight (vs. Louisville)...awesome 3p shoot, great defense!!
Although the next opponent UNC is pretty tough, and they play great games, too. I still believe this is Illinois' year. Especially when coach Weber's mother will help them out from heaven!

I suppose to working on grading plan (due Monday) in office (today is Saturday, if I finished it today..I don't have to go tomorrow => Sunday)..but...anyway...I already home, finished the game...writing this journal now :P

And HAPPY Birthday..HsiaoChen

4/3 is HsiaoChen's Birthday....this is the chocolate cake I made for her last year...We were classmates during graduate school, and she is happy married. Wish her have another great year!

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